Answers to Frequently Asked Questions

  • Order Support

    When will my order be delivered?

    Delivery times depend on the shipping method selected and the destination of the package. Once your order is shipped, you'll receive a confirmation email with tracking information.

    US: most packages are delivered within 3-5 business days

    International: most packages are delivered within 1-3 weeks

    My order is stalled or delayed

    Recently, we've seen an increase in longer transit times across carriers. If your order has been stuck for more than 5 business days, please reach out to If not, keep an eye on your order - we find that they usually do show progress within a few days!

    My order is missing or stolen

    Carrier issues and delays happen. Sometimes, carriers may scan a package as “Delivered” when it is still out for delivery and will sometimes physically deliver the parcel within the next four business days.

    After 4 business days, if your order is showing as "Delivered” by the carrier, and you have still not located your package, and you have checked the area surrounding your delivery address please contact our team at for assistance.

    Using HSA/FSA for Purchases

    In order to utilize the TrueMed payment solution at checkout, you must check out as a guest. 

    You cannot use the TrueMed payment option at checkout for subscription orders.

    Checking out as a guest, for one-time orders:

    Step 1: Check out without Shop Pay

    To use your HSA for a purchase, it is important to make sure that Shop Pay is not selected as your payment option. If it is, please deselect it before proceeding to the next step.

    Step 2: Use the TrueMed payment solution

    Proceed with the guest checkout option. During the checkout process, select TrueMed as the payment solution. TrueMed is our trusted HSA partner, providing a secure and convenient way to use your HSA funds.

    Step 3: Fill out the qualification survey

    After selecting TrueMed as the payment solution, you will be directed to a page where you will need to complete a short survey. This survey helps determine your eligibility for using your HSA in conjunction with your existing coverage. Please answer the questions accurately and thoroughly.

    Step 4: Payment process

    Once you have completed the qualification survey, you will be prompted to proceed with the payment. TrueMed will guide you through the necessary steps to complete the transaction using your HSA. Ensure that you have your HSA account information readily available.

    If you encounter any difficulties during this process or have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our support team We are here to assist you and ensure that your HSA payment experience is seamless.

    HSA/FSA funds for your subscription or for reimbursement post-checkout;

    Fill out this qualification link to qualify. You'll receive instructions on how to reimburse your subscription orders or your one-time order, post-checkout.

    Note: The availability of the HSA payment option may vary based on your location and eligibility.

  • Subscriptions

    How do I make changes to my subscription?

    To manage your subscription, log in to your account here. You'll be able to skip, cancel, swap items, and more.

  • Help Center

    Need more help? Visit our Help Center